Pilipinas Win na Win is officially on day 21 today, and after 21 days it seems nothing has changed except for the show's down-the-drain ratings, its new 2pm time slot, and the vanishing of Robin Padilla and Mariel Rodriguez.
No match against Eat Bulaga
Like one of the commentators said in my previous Pilipinas Win na Win post, the show was transferred to a 2pm time slot, which is siesta time for most Filipinos. Pilipinas Win na Win was originally set on a 1:30pm time slot. Suddenly it was moved 30 minutes later to 2pm. 30 minutes ain't such a big deal, right? Wrong. A couple of seconds of advertisement airtime costs around five to six digits. Imagine how much money ABS-CBN will lose if they continued to air Pilipinas Win na Win at 1:30pm without having sponsors.
So, why the change of time slot then? Simple: Pilipinas Win na Win is absolutely no match against GMA's Eat Bulaga. ABS-CBN decided that it was more viable for them to bend over to Eat Bulaga's superiority rather than face it head-on with full knowledge that they don't stand a chance to win. It's laughable that the network decided that its new noontime show was Showtime. I mean seriously, 2pm to 4pm ain't the prime slot for noontime shows. ABS-CBN even copied the 10am movie formula of GMA. These sudden corporate moves just show that ABS-CBN is badly rattled from Wowowee's loss and is trying to keep up with Eat Bulaga, but to no avail.
Dead ratings
Did anyone of you see Pilipinas Win na Win's new commercial about TFC subscribers from different foreign countries commenting on how they love the show? Yeah, I don't see that commercial anymore. They probably pulled the plug on that one. The guys over at ABS-CBN may have thought it's too obvious that they're pulling legs.
That's why they transferred the show to 2pm anyway. Pilipinas Win na Win is hoping to dodge GMA's silver bullet that is Eat Bulaga, hoping to salvage what's left of the noontime show-watching population. Like I said, 3-4pm (which Pilipinas Win na Win's time slot covers) is the prime time for afternoon dramas like Daisy Siete or something. It's also a prime time for SLEEPING.
Another indicator of dead ratings is the show's sponsors. Seems like Showtime has more sponsors than Pilipinas Win na Win. Coca-Cola, one of the biggest sponsors of Wowowee, is now at Eat Bulaga. I wonder why. I think the only remaining major sponsors of Pilipinas Win na Win are Rexona and Globe (which I think were duped by ABS-CBN's sudden change of heart. Instead of relaunching Wowowee, they launched Pilipinas Win na Win instead). I bet ABS-CBN is losing more money faster than they're making it with regards on the said show. The only thing keeping them from axing Pilipinas Win na Win off their program roster is pride. Let's face it, if ABS-CBN was to ax Pilipinas Win na Win, it would be controversial news for at least 2 week plus the fact that the said network is defeated again by Eat Bulaga.
Negative feedback
As I scoured the web looking for comments regarding the show, I was not surprised to see that lots of people find the show boring. Some even feel animosity towards the said program. Most comments are hostile, some are constructive, and some are just downright senseless. Still, these comments show the feelings people have for the show.
Not all comments were negative though. Some said the show was great, that it just needed improvement. Altogether, Pilipinas Win na Win haters outnumber Pilipinas Win na Win lovers 9 to 1 - that is, for every single person that says something good about Pilipinas Win na Win, 9 persons think otherwise. You cannot blame them though. The show is really failing.
It's so failing in fact that even Mariel Rodriguez, who didn't skip a beat in Wowowee when she was rolling with Zanjo Marudo, is now on vacation with Robin Padilla. Is it because she loved Robin Padilla more than Zanjo Marudo and made her skip shows? No. I think it's not because of that. I think it's because of an over-talking, attention-grabbing co-host.
TFC subscribers canceling subscriptions due to loss of Wowowee
Let's face it. Willie Revillame's Wowowee was the only show that our TFC subscribers bought. Wowowee back then was selling like pancakes. TFC subscribers didn't care if Willie was arrogant. What they did care about is Willie's ability to touch anyone's heart - which still holds true today.
There's as much Willie lovers as there are Willie haters locally and internationally. People from both ends of the geographic spectrum are still hoping for Wowowee's return. Unfortunately though, it remains bleak. That's why lots of TFC subscribers are actually thanking ABS-CBN for launching Pilipinas Win na Win. It's allegedly because they can now cancel their expensive TFC subscriptions, jump ship to GMA's Pinoy TV, watch Eat Bulaga instead, and save money (thanks for letting us save money ABS-CBN!). That's how awful Pilipinas Win na Win is doing overseas.
The Willie Revillame contract issue
This also relates to why ABS-CBN won't free Willie Revillame of his contract. They're afraid that if they let Willie go, he'll rejoin another channel, build his own new show, and take away what's remaining of ABS-CBN's noontime traffic. If Willie Revillame is let go of his contract, no one would watch Pilipinas Win na Win anymore. That's a stone-cold fact. TFC subscribers would also follow where Willie would go, leading to more loss of income to ABS-CBN.
Also, Willie Revillame is right. ABS-CBN ain't dumb, it's playing politics right now (not politics in its ordinary sense). ABS-CBN is red taping Willie Revillame, delaying him as much as possible so that the unstable Pilipinas Win na Win could settle down and gather a fan base, a strong following if you will, which is doubtful.
The Kris Aquino
Yes, I just referred to Kris Aquino as The Kris Aquino. I know it's grammatically improper, but putting a definite article word next to her name seems just right. So, what about Kris Aquino?
As people may have noticed, Kris Aquino is an attention whore. She doesn't want anyone to outperform her. She doesn't like working with other people that could outshine her star because she wants to remain the center of attention for eternity. Like commentator Lulu said, Pilipinas Win na Win "is a confusing, boring, self-serving show that has nothing else but gossip value," relating to Kris Aquino's talk show portion.
To some people, Kris Aquino might be the best woman there is. I mean, she helped out people and gave away scholarships, right? Well, tot all people that give back to the poor are good people. Drug cartels and human traffickers build welfare organizations to pose as a front for their illicit activities. I'm not saying that Kris Aquino is a drug cartel member or a human trafficker. All I'm saying is that not all people that do good things at face value are good at intrinsic value. They all have their ulterior motives. Anyway, this is not the time to question Kris Aquino's morality as a human being. I can judge her performance but I won't judge her morality. I'd be a hypocrite if I did. And besides, who am I to judge?
In short, the show would be a somewhat better off if Kris Aquino was removed. Playing oranges and yellows on a noontime show is improper. Cutting your co-hosts' lines and airtime are also improper. Sounding off you and your ex-husband's personal life in a live national program, who does that? I mean, really.
All in all, Pilipinas Win na Win still remains in my mediocre shows list. I'd still give it a 2/10 like in my previous post.
The pacing of the program is slow, there are too many rough edges to be polished, and there are too many controversial issues that can't be left ignored.
And again, like in my previous post, I'm not talking in fixed terms. Pilipinas Win na Win can go up the charts to levels I would've not thought of. It might be the next Wowowee if given the proper time to incubate. When that happens, I'll tip my hat to them in approval.
'Till my next installment.
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