- You can turn on blood if you want, it's off from default
- sometimes glitches, when you fall off ladders, for example you land on the ropes, when someone kicks you off the ladder, and you land on the outside, but not on the floor, but at the hight of the ring in the air (i hope it's gonna be fixed)
- the briefcase/titel belt catchingsystem is very cool, best ever
- wwe title belt is too small, world titel belt looks great
- you pin with the circle Button (B on X-Box)
- to pick up an opponent, you flick the right stick up
- the tree of woe position is very cool, you can do a lot of different moves
- you can also perform moves in the normal turnbuckle position and from the toprope as well
- the create a finisher is from the turnbuckle, tryed it out, but you can start from about only 10 starting-moves
- there were clipping bugs (like every year)
- some realy bad slow downs, when you play a six man money in the bank, also when lots of ladders and tables are involved (watch the video with the sunset flip)
- when the game loads you get some cool facts about wrestlemania, or some of the superstars
- training mode is a empty arena, but not the fcw
- entrances look all fantastic (those that a saw)
- finishers can be performed from different positions, for example the walls of jericho can be pulled of with a standig opponent and a lying (though it is only a signature for jericho)
- hair doesn't look updated
- i got a bit confused with the movesets, i did often the same moves, even though i flicked the sticks in different directions
- some superstars seem to have only one finisher, and others have 2 (i found it confusing)
- the THQ guy told me that there will definetly be more DLC than last year, Superstars and other stuff
- when you buy the game you will get a code for the first DLC pack for free, if you have no code it'll be 10 Dollars (Euro and Pound he didn't know)
- ladder finishers look gread, codebreaker for example, rey mysterio does a neckbreaker...
- in the new hell in a cell you can break through the cell on the side, where the announcetables are; the one on the upper side and the one down like seen in the video from IGN
- you can break through 2 cellparts on the ceilling too (like always)
- sheamus does a powerbomb off the cell, and others do other moves
- more hairstyles in CAW mode, about 70 just for men and some for females (didn't check that out)
- new coloring system in caw mode
- physiks work great, but throwing charis at the opponent didn't work really good for me...always missed...
- staking to tables is very easy, and throwing someone through it also
- sometimes you get a little tie-up minigame, you have to hit the X button (or A on x-box) repetedly
- michelle mccools finisher faith breaker hasn't a pin option at the end :-(
- some animations are from former games, like the counter lowblow
- wwe univers mode has a ranking system and creates fueds and rivalrys by how you're playing the game
- wwe univers gives you always matchcards, 4 matches on raw and smackdown, 3 on superstars and 5 on a ppv (that will be taking place every month)
- there will be 20 different arenas,
- 6 superstars are maximum, (maybe it will be changed, that was only a demo)
- you can hit only one opponent at a time with a ladder, no swinging it on 2 or more
- cool moves will be recorded automaticly for the highlight reel
- contolls are slightly different (i mentioned that pinning is now done with circle button)
- the thq guy didn't know the exact release date, and didn't know if its coming out on different days in the usa and europe
- jerry lawler has a crown tattoo on the arme (nerver seen that bevore)
- a crushed ladder lied in the corner for about 25 minutes, until i endet the match (never disappeared)
- tables also stay a very long time broken in the ring
- finishers: miz - skull crashing finale, undertaker - tombstone and last ride, jericho codebreaker (walls of jericho is signature) couldn't pull off a lionsault (thq guy didn't know how to do it either,
michell mccool signature spear and finsher faith breaker, rey has 2 different 619s, orton has an rko and a punt kick as finishers and the orton stomp as signature, his backbreaker is a normal move,
cena does a five knuckle shuffel as signature and the stf and the attitude adjustment as finisher, but the AA looks weired, it has a you can't see me taunt in it... didn't find out more...
- didn't find out how to do a different finishers from same positions
- everyone is now weapon speciallist, the ability is removed
- comunity creations can be edited (you know that already) but you can choose if you want others to edit your creations
- the demo featured exibition mode with TLC, Hell in a Cell and Money in the Bank
- you could choose Cena, orton, sheamus, swagger, mysterio, jericho, the miz, undertaker, mccool and eve (see the pics)
- caw mode and caf mode (just turnbuckle position)
- (by the way, WWE All Stars will have a Roster about 40 Superstars, 20 Legends and 20 of todays Superstars)
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