For a limited time only, we’ll be giving away a stylish Bald Cap helm. This diligent helm stays with you through thick and thin. Reflects sun beams for increased burn rate. This voucher code will entitle you to this special item for your Patapon giving you an added advantage in combat. Once redeemed be sure to equip this item in the headquarters before you deploy!As this is a limited time offer only, use the code above now. You have to have a PSN account though, or else the point is moot.
The code is: JCAF-CENE-ECN4
This code can be redeemed for a limited time only & available while supplies last so don’t delay!
So see there you go: digital strategy guide, free stuff, online gameplay, musical warfare and more evil bosses than you can shake a stick at. See you kids online!
1. Connect to the PSN using your PSN account. If you don't have one then create one;
2. Go to the Redeem Codes section of the PSN (upper right area, near Search);
3. Enter the code above and confirm. Once you confirm, the DLC pack (17KB) will start downloading. After it downloads completely, it will install itself;
4. Voila! Your very own Patapon 3 Bald Cap helm!
One thing I didn't get was the Malevolent Uramus Helm, which I heard was released thru IGN yesterday. But I guess this Bald Cap helm would do. You hardly get anything free nowadays anyway.
Now, if I could just follow that catchy rhythm.
'Till my next installment.
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