Thursday, April 7, 2011

Major Backstage Heat on John Morrison And Melina (More Inside)

It is being reported by The Pro Wrestling Torch that there is some major backstage head on real life couple John Morrison and Melina. Most of the head is directed at Morrison who reportedly brushed off Trish Stratus at WrestleMania 27 during the post match celebrations in which  Stratus hugged Snooki and went to hug Morrison, but he had already turned his back on her. Morrison then led Snooki to the corner of the ring and used the Jersey Shore star as a shield, to guard himself from Stratus.

Internally within WWE it is believed that Morrison purposely done this in spite of Trish Stratus who he believed took  Melina's spot on the card or had to portray himself as such so that she would believe he was anything but rude to her.

Behind the scenes in the weeks leading up to WrestleMania, Morrison had rejected many of Stratus ideas for the match and this hurt her and word got around about his refusal to comply which lead to internal heat prior to the WrestleMania brush-off. Stratus is highly regarded amongst company personnel and Morrison's unprofessionalism has not impressed WWE management.

Morrison's backstage reputation is said to not be very strong among peers even prior to this incident and few have any respect for him especially after he allowed his girlfriend Melina to engage in numerous sexual relationships with other wrestlers, most notably Batista who wrote the following in his autobiography:

"My wife thought I was sleeping with Melina right off the bat, while we were still married. It wasn't true, but it did make me feel guilty about being friends with her.

"Since then, as I've said, Melina and I have gotten closer and our relationship has become physical. That's caused a bit of controversy, but I don't give a shit. She's my friend, and I love her very much."

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