The Fallout Of WrestleMania Just Got…Extreme.
Well, somewhat extreme at least. I hate to say it but the only match that is brutal, bloody, and legit enough to be considered ‘extreme’ is the match with three ringside commentators and one mutant Kurt Angle-clone. And to top things off, the most vicious guy in the whole match happens to be good ol’ J.R!
Well, somewhat extreme at least. I hate to say it but the only match that is brutal, bloody, and legit enough to be considered ‘extreme’ is the match with three ringside commentators and one mutant Kurt Angle-clone. And to top things off, the most vicious guy in the whole match happens to be good ol’ J.R!
I mean, the way Jim Ross turned into a grizzly bear a few weeks ago and almost tore down Michael “Sh*tbag” Cole’s ‘colemine’ was insane! Everyone’s favorite color-commentator went completely beserk and tried to demolish a man-made structure with his two bare hands. Epic. But the best part was during this past Raw when innocent-looking J.R popped a fist to Michael Cole’s mouth and did some kind of damage that saw Cole spewing blood all over the place for the rest of the match. JR proudly wore Cole’s filthy blood all over his knuckles…and even on his chubby cheek! Seriously, that was both awesome, insane, and terrifying at the same time!
Anyway, there’s a bunch of other matches in there that are worth noting. I’ll definitely be watching Randy Orton vs CM Punk, although I’m sure Punk will suffer a Punt to the skull which will keep him out of action for a while. If you read online rumors, you’ll know why this has a major chance of happening. I’m not really digging Cody Rhodes‘ “I’m ugly” gimmick, because he was never really good-looking to begin with, so it’s not like he lost something big. At least he’s not telling us how to shave our armpits anymore. To be honest the Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship is something I’ve been waiting to see for a while now. Unfortunately, if Christian gets the title, I’m going to know it’s because Edge was forced to retire due to injury. I hate it when WWE pulls off these sentimental wins. I mean Christian deserves it, no doubt, I just wish he could win it on his own, without it having to be the ‘default decision’.
Of course, there’s the WWE Championship match. Sorry for being cynical, but Icouldn’t care less about this rivalry. The feud between Morrison and Truth has turned more intense in one week, unlike the feud between Miz and Cena which is draggy and so, so boring. I’m sure the only reason Morrison is in the cage is so that someone can pin him, not because he can dazzle us all with his spinning top-rope flips that hardly ever do any damage to anyone. Anyway, enough of my grumbling. Download this brand new wallpaper featuring the beastly Jim Ross and the other almost-extreme superstars of WWE. 
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