Monday, May 23, 2011 - Where All Great Deals in the Metro Converge

With the arrival of group buying sites here in the Philippines, it's no surprise that everyone wants in on the new bandwagon. Heck, even a famous techpreneur decided to launch his own brand, this time specializing in electronics and gadgets. But like what my grandfather used to say, "With new things comes lots of money." Okay, he didn't say that. Just made that up because it sounds cool.

Anyway, what group buying sites don't have every single time are genuinely great deals. One day you can find a real treat at Groupon, next day you can find another fantastic bargain at BUYanihan. And if you really want to have the deal of deals for a specific time period, you need to subscribe to each group buying site's newsletters, one by one. Imagine sifting through all those deals once it gets in your email inbox. Let me tell you first hand that being spammed by newsletters everyday ain't nice.

Enter, a site dedicated to bringing you all of Metro Manila's greatest deals, everything in one website. What the founders of did was aggregate all Philippine group buying sites into one tight page and from there, you can see and buy all the offers of group buying websites starting from the least known to the big players like eBay and Groupon. It's kind of a no-brainer, happy accident genius actually, since it was just a matter of time before people got sick of switching page to page just to check out what deals are happening on what website.

What's great is, is synchronized with all your favorite group buying sites, such that once a deal goes up in Cash Cash Pinoy or wherever, it would also be updated instantly at

So if you really like to have the deal of deals in Metro Manila, I suggest that instead you subscribe separately to each group buying websites newsletters and sift through it one by one, you go check frequently. Again,, it's where all great deals in the Metro converge. Check them out by clicking HERE.

'Till my next installment.

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