I didn’t have a cool caption for this wallpaper (you know, the one I normally have before every post), so I left it empty. Maybe because I have no idea what this PPV is going to be like. It doesn’t really have a theme and half the time I forget it even exists, yet here it is less than a week away. The only match I’m really looking forward to at Over The Limit is Randy Orton vs Christian. I love the match they had on SmackDown! and if it’s any indication of things to come, this rematch should be an absolute work of art.
I enjoy seeing Christian in the main-event. You gotta’ hand it to him, the guy knows how to put on a good show. And that’s it. There’s really nothing else on this PPV that intrigues me. Unless Kane and Big Show get on the card. That’ll be cool. AndSin Cara. The guy’s getting better every week. I can’t say I care that much aboutEzekiel Jackson’s issues with Corre or Cena’s I Quit match with The Miz. It’s obvious John is never going to quit because [1] he just won the title after nearly a year and [2] he needs to sell more t-shirts (that say Never Give Up). I especially don’t care about Jerry Lawler’s painfully long feud with Michael Cole. How many times do we have to endure watching Jack Swagger run out to attack Lawler just as Cole is about to get attacked? It’s the same old s**t since before WrestleMania and it has come to a point where it’s just depressing to watch. I did mark-out when Lawler threw the chair on Cole inside the Colemine though. Too bad it didn’t do more damage. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love it when Cole gets his face punched in, I just wish he’d stay out of the picture for a while. 
Sorry if I sound like I’m whining, but the fact is these feuds are just frustratingly booooring.
Anyway, here’s the wallpaper for WWE Over The Limit 2011 featuring all the matches that have been announced thus far. I know it has only four matches, but I can only work with what WWE gives us…and till now they’ve only given us four matches. Enjoy, all. 
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