Thursday, February 24, 2011

SpongeBob SquarePants Featuring Nicktoons: Globs Of Doom Wii Cheats

Cheat Codes:
Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding passwords at the "Cheat Code" screen at the upgrade computer at the bottom of the Magwu Lair:

Coins attracted to you - Traloc, Plankton, Danny, Plankton, Tak
More time to do gadget combos - Spongebob, Beautiful Gorgeous, Danny, Plankton, Technus
Gadget meter always be full - Jimmy, Technus, Spongebob, Tak, Technus
Goo does not slow you down - Danny, Danny, Danny, Technus, Technus
Do not lose coins when knocked out - Plankton, Jimmy, Beautiful Gorgeous, Jimmy, Plankton
Colorless enemies - Technus, Jimmy, Traloc, Plankton
Blue enemies - Beautiful Gorgeous, Zim, Plankton, Technus
Red enemies - SpongeBob, Tak, Jimmy, Danny
Extra attack - Dib, Plankton, Technus, Jimmy Dib, Tak, Beautiful Gorgeous, Plankton Dib, Tak, Beautiful Gorgeous, Plankton
Extra defense - Zim, Danny, Plankton, Beautiful Gorgeous
Harder Bosses - Plankton, Beautiful Gorgeous, Technus, Traloc
Harder enemies - SpongeBob, Dib, Dib, Technus
Unlimited health - Tak, Traloc, Jimmy, Beautiful Gorgeous
Instant K.O. - Dib, Tak, Beautiful Gorgeous, Plankton
Invincible partner - Plankton, Tak, Beautiful Gorgeous, SpongeBob
Items - Danny, Beautiful Gorgeous, Jimmy, Technus
More items - SpongeBob, Traloc, SpongeBob, Danny
Maximum defense - Plankton, Dib, Beautiful Gorgeous, Plankton
No health items - Tak, SpongeBob, Technus, Danny
Lower prices - Traloc, Zim, Beautiful Gorgeous, SpongeBob
Super Beautiful Gorgeous - Beautiful Gorgeous, Technus, Jimmy, Beautiful Gorgeous
Super Danny - Danny, Zim, Danny, Beautiful Gorgeous
Super Dib - Zim, Plankton, Dib, Plankton
Super Jetpack - Beautiful Gorgeous, Traloc, Jimmy, Jimmy
Super Jimmy - Technus, Danny, Jimmy, Technus
Super Plankton - Tak, Plankton, Dib, Technus
Super SpongeBob - Technus, SpongeBob, Technus, Traloc
Super Tak - Danny, Jimmy, Tak, Traloc
Super Technus - Danny, Technus, Tak, Technus
Super Traloc - Traloc, Beautiful Gorgeous, Dib, SpongeBob
Super Zim - Plankton, Zim, Technus, SpongeBob
SpongeBob fused with Globulis - Spongebob, Danny, Danny, Plankton
SpongeBob concept art - SpongeBob, SpongeBob, SpongeBob, SpongeBob, SpongeBob
Tak Temple Puzzle concept art - Tak, Tralok, Tak, Tralok, Tak

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